Recently picked up an Alaska Airlines card. I might have made a mistake? Or they did… thought I’d be getting points although when activating the CSR said something about a $100 rebate and no points… which is greater than the unwaived annual fee… in the end this may have been a complete waste of effort actually. In any case, a follow up to my prior post on how does getting a bunch of credit cards affect my credit score and what this does. That post is pretty transparent with recent activity, so here’s the latest and greatest of recent activity and the score reported on Credit Karma:
The CK score went down, oh noes! The one from Experian, reported on the 8th of March, ain’t too bad though. Since I’m planning on buying zero cars or getting zero mortgages I couldn’t care less about my not-bad-anyway score. The stockpile of miles on the other hand has kept on keeping on and is accruing nicely…